Trees & Shrubs F-J
Fatsia japonica ‘Spider’s Web’
A relatively new form, this lush plant is hardy, the heavily speckled palmate foliage may droop in frost but soon perk up as it melts. Will produce panicles of small white flowers in summer. Prefers fertile, well-drained soil in full sun/part shade. Hardy. HGT 2m
Fothergilla x intermedia ‘Red Liquorice’
Otherwise known as ‘The American Witch Hazel’, Fothergilla produces highly fragrant, small white ‘bottlebrush’ flowers from late spring/early summer, although it is better known for its stunning Autumn colour. Prefers a fertile acidic soil in full sun or part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT: 3m
Frangula alnus ‘Fine Line’
A new and desirable, upright shrub with very narrow, dark green foliage that turns butter yellow in autumn. Produces clusters of small, white flowers in early summer. Prefers a well drained, fertile soil in full sun or part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. Eventual HGT 2.5m
Ginko biloba ‘Mariken’ AGM
A very recent introduction discovered in the Netherlands, this Ginkgo is very slow growing and incredibly compact, making it ideal for container growing. Fan-shaped, mid-green, deciduous foliage turns yellow in autumn. Prefers moist but well drained soil in any position out of strong winds. Fully hardy. HGT 1.5m
x Gordlinia grandiflora
A beautiful & rare, semi-evergreen shrub with oval, glossy, mid-green foliage that produces camellia-like, lightly fragrant, white flowers during mid summer.Prefers a fertile, ericaceous soil in full sun or part shade. Good autumn colour. Fully hardy. HGT 4.5m
Halesia carolina
A beautifully elegant small to medium size tree. This form of mountain silverbell is creamy in bud opening into clusters of soft white pendulous flowers. Good yellow Autumn colour. Deciduous and fully hardy. Moist well drained neutral to acid soil. HGT 7m
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Aphrodite’ – AGM
A beautiful large shrub, with mid green foliage developing stunning autumn colour. Producing masses of large coppery orange flowers with a light fragrance on bare stems in mid winter. Prefers neutral to acid soil in full sun or part shade. Deciduous & Fully hardy HGT: 3m
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Aurora’ – AGM
A beautiful large shrub, with mid green foliage developing stunning autumn colour. Producing masses of coppery yellow flowers with a beautiful fragrance in mid winter. Supposedly the largest flower of any Witch hazel. Prefers neutral to acid soil in full sun or part shade. Deciduous & Fully hardy HGT: 3m
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’ AGM
A beautiful large shrub, with deciduous, mid green foliage developing stunning autumn colour then producing masses of deep orange-red flowers with a light fragrance in mid winter. Prefers moist but well drained neutral to acid soil in full sun or part shade. Fully hardy HGT: 4m
Helwingia chinensis (Broad-leaved form)
A rare, evergreen shrub with deep green foliage that has burgundy hints. Tiny, creamy flowers appear in the centre of each leaf in mid summer, in a good year these are followed by black berries. Prefers reasonable soil in part shade. Hardy. HGT 2m
Helwingia chinensis (Narrow-leaved form)
A rare, evergreen shrub with deep green foliage that has burgundy hints. Tiny, creamy flowers appear in the centre of each leaf in mid summer, in a good year these are followed by black berries. Prefers reasonable soil in part shade. Hardy. HGT 2m
Heptocodium miconioides AGM – The Seven Son Flower
A much sort after, deciduous shrub with glossy, lance-shaped, mid-green foliage that produces clusters of 7, fragrant, white, star-shaped flowers in late summer. Older plants have beautiful grey bark with deep-red new growth. Prefers well drained soil in full sun/part shade. Fully hardy. HGT 4m
Hibiscus syriacus ‘Marina’
A free-flowering, shrubby tree producing large, blue flowers with deep red centres from mid summer. Marina thrives in full sun on fertile, free-draining soil. They are late coming into leaf in spring. Fully hardy & deciduous HGT: 2.5m
Hibiscus syriacus ‘Pinky Spot’
A really lovely, free-flowering, shrubby tree producing large, white, semi double flowers with pink shading and deep red centres from mid summer. Pinky Spot thrives in full sun on fertile, free-draining soil. They are late coming into leaf in spring. Fully hardy & deciduous HGT: 2.5m
Hibiscus syriacus ‘Sup Heart’
Another really lovely, free-flowering, shrubby tree producing large, pure white, single flowers with deep red centres from mid summer. Sup Heart thrives in full sun on fertile, free-draining soil. They are late coming into leaf in spring. Fully hardy & deciduous HGT: 3m
Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’
This Amercan native forms a large, upright shrub with mid-green, deciduous foliage that produces large, rounded heads of creamy white flowers in late summer. Prefers moist but well drained, fertile soil in part shade. Fully hardy. HGT 2.5m
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Ayesha’
A beautiful form of ‘mophead’ hydrangea that, in mid summer, produces large, rounded heads of flowers that are blue in acidic soils and pink in alkaline. Deciduous & fully hardy, Ayesha prefers fertile soil, not too dry, in part shade. HGT 1.8m
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Dolce Kiss’
A beautiful ‘lacecap’ hydrangea that, in mid summer produces large, flat heads of white flowers that each have pink serrated edges. These are set off perfectly by the bronze flushed foliage. Deciduous & fully hardy, it prefers fertile soil in part shade. HGT 1.5m
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Izu-No-Hana’
A lovely, upright, deciduous shrub with dark-green foliage that provides the perfect backdrop to the ‘flattened’ pink flower-heads with white florets around the edge that are produced from mid summer. Prefers moist but well drained, fertile soil in part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 1.5m
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Zorro’ AGM
A beautiful ‘mophead’ hydrangea that, in mid summer, produces dark stems topped with large, domed heads of flowers that are pink on alkaline soils & rich blue on acidic. Deciduous & fully hardy, it prefers fertile soil in part shade. HGT 1.5m
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Big Ben’ AGM
A star of the autumn garden! Big Ben produces large panicles of creamy white flowers that age to a deep raspberry. Deciduous, dark green foliage. Prefers fertile, moist but well drained soil in part shade. Fully hardy. HGT: 1.5m
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Diamant Rouge’
A beautiful newly introduced form of hydrangea with dark-green deciduous foliage that, in midsummer, produces large, creamy-white, conical flower-heads that age to a deep raspberry pink. Prefers moist but well drained, fertile soil in part shade. Fully hardy. HGT 1.5m
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Le Vesterival’ (Great Star)
One of our favourites! This lovely, upright, deciduous shrub has dark-green foliage that, in mid summer produces large, creamy-white, flat flower-heads with larger flowers shooting out. Prefers moist but well drained, fertile soil in part shade. Fully hardy. HGT 1.5m
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Levana’
A lovely, upright, deciduous shrub with dark-green foliage that, in mid summer produces very large, fragrant, snow white, conical flower-heads. Prefers moist but well drained, fertile soil in part shade. Fully hardy. HGT 3m
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Pastel Green’
A lovely paniculata hydrangea producing masses of large, conical flower-heads that turn from white through cream, green and finally pink from mid-summer. Prefers a fertile, moist soil in part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 1.2m
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Polestar’
A lovely compact form of hydrangea ideal for a pot. Polestar produces masses of dense, conical flower-heads that turn from white to cream and then finally pink from mid-summer. Prefers a fertile, moist soil in part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 60cm
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Silver Dollar’ AGM
A lovely, upright, deciduous shrub with dark-green foliage that, in mid summer produces large, creamy-white flower-heads with a slight pink tinge with age. Prefers moist but well drained, fertile soil in part shade. Fully hardy. HGT 3m
Hydrangea serrata ‘Diadem’ AGM
A lovely, upright, deciduous shrub with dark-green foliage that provides the perfect backdrop to the ‘flattened’ pink flower-heads that are produced from mid summer. Prefers moist but well drained, fertile soil in part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 1.2m
Hydrangea serrata ‘Veerle’
A lovely, upright, deciduous shrub with dark-green foliage that provides the perfect backdrop to the ‘flattened’ pink or blue flower-heads that are produced from mid summer. Lightly prune after first flush for a second flush in autumn. Great autumn colour. Prefers moist but well drained, fertile soil in part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 1.2m
Indigofera himalayensis ‘Silk Road’
A beautifully elegant shrub with light green, highly divided foliage on arching stems that produces short, erect racemes of lilac-pink, pea-like flowers in late spring & early summer. Prefers moist but well drained soil in full sun. Fully hardy & deciduous. HGT 1.5m
Itea virginica ‘Merlot’
More commonly known as ‘Sweet Spire’, this lovely, upright shrub has mid green foliage and produces long racemes of creamy, honey scented flowers in mid summer. Really good autumn colour! Prefers moist but well drained, neutral soil in part shade. HGT 1.2m
(picture shows autumn foliage)