Shade Lovers P-T
Last updated: In progress

Pachysandra terminalis variegata

A lovely, glossy, evergreen ground cover perennial ideal for a shady spot. It produces short spikes if small, creamy white flowers in early summer. Happy in any reasonable soil in full or part shade. Fully hardy.
HGT 25cm



Podophyllum versipelle 'Spotty Dotty'Podophyllum versipelle ‘Spotty Dotty’ AGM

A rarely offered plant grown mainly for its large leaves with ‘chocolate’ spots. In late spring it produces dark red, hanging, bell shaped flowers. Prefers a fertile, moist soil in full shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. Caution: All parts are toxic if eaten. HGT 60cm



Polygonatum kingianum

A rarely offered form from E. Asia, this elegant woodlander produces robust, upright stems with ‘whorls’ of elongated leaves. In spring it produces hanging clusters of dusky red flowers followed by small red berries. Prefers fertile soil in full/part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 1.5m



Polygonatum roseum

A lovely form of polygonatum from E. Asia, this elegant woodlander produces upright stems with ‘whorls’ of elongated leaves. In spring it produces hanging clusters of dusky pink flowers followed by small red berries. Prefers fertile soil in full/part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 15cm



Polygonatum stewartianum

A very rarely offered form, this elegant woodlander produces robust, upright stems with ‘whorls’ of elongated leaves. In spring it produces hanging clusters of creamy flowers with tiny red speckling followed by small red berries. Prefers fertile soil in full/part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 80cm



Polygonatum verticilliatum

Polygonatum verticilliatum

More commonly known as the ‘Whorled Soloman’s Seal’, this elegant form produces slender, upright stems with ‘whorls’ of very narrow leaves. In spring it produces hanging clusters of greenish white flowers followed by small red berries. Prefers fertile soil in full/part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 1m



Polygonatum verticilliatum ‘Himalayan Giant’

More commonly known as the ‘Whorled Soloman’s Seal’, this elegant form produces robust, upright stems with ‘whorls’ of very narrow leaves. In spring it produces hanging clusters of greenish white flowers followed by small red berries. Prefers fertile soil in full/part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 1.5m


Polygonatum verticilliatum var Rubrum

Polygonatum verticilliatum var. Rubrum

More commonly known as the ‘Red Whorled Soloman’s Seal’, this elegant form produces slender, upright stems with ‘whorls’ of very narrow leaves (flushed red when young) In spring it produces hanging clusters of purple flushed flowers followed by small red berries. Prefers fertile soil in full/part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 1m


Polygonatum x hybridum 'Betburg'Polygonatum x hybridum ‘Betburg’

A beautiful and sought after form of Soloman’s Seal with purple flushed new growth setting off the clear white flowers on arching stems in late spring. Prefers moist but well-drained soil in full/part shade. Fully hardy. HGT 60cm




Polygonatum striatumPolygonatum x hybridum Striatum

A variegated form of Soloman’s Seal with fresh green foliage with creamy-white streaks on arching stems and producing waxy, cream, fragrant bells in late spring. Prefers moist but well-drained soil in full/part shade. Fully hardy. HGT 75cm




Polygonatum zanlanscianense

The rarely offered ‘Giant Chinese Soloman’s Seal’, zanlanscianense produces tall stems with whorls of mid green foliage with a hint of blue to it. Clusters of waxy, purple-green bells are produced in late spring. Prefers moist but well-drained soil in part shade. HGT 1.3m



Pulmonaria 'Diana Clare'Pulmonaria ‘Diana Clare’ AGM

A beautiful, clump forming perennial with narrow dark green foliage, very heavily spotted with silvery-white markings. In spring it produces clusters of bright violet blue flowers. Deciduous & fully hardy, it prefers fertile, moist but well drained soil in full or part shade. HGT 30cm



Pulmonaria ‘Opal’ AGM

A clump forming, deciduous perennial with large dark green foliage, heavily spotted with silvery-white markings. It produces clusters of pale, opalescent blue flowers in Spring. Fully hardy, it prefers moist but well drained soil in full or part shade. HGT 30cm




Rodgersia ‘Bronze Peacock’

A lovely new dark form of Rodgersia, with large, palmate foliage that emerges a deep reddish bronze in spring before aging to bronzy green. Produces tall stems topped with panicles of pale pink flowers that age to deep red. Prefers fertile, moist soil in light shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 1m



Roscoea purpurea ‘Cinnamon Stick’

A rarely offered relative of the ginger lily, this clump forming perennial has mid-green, lance shaped foliage and produces beautiful lavender, hooded flowers on thick red stems in early summer. Prefers humus rich, fertile soil in part shade. Fully hardy. HGT 45cm



Saxifraga fortunei 'Cheap Confections'Saxifraga fortunei ‘Cheap Confections’

A beautiful little Japanese woodlander with apple green, semi deciduous fleshy foliage that produces short spikes of pale pink flowers in profusion in late summer/autumn. Hardy. Prefers fertile, moist but well drained soil in dappled shade. HGT 30cm




Saxifraga fortunei ShiranamiSaxifraga fortunei ‘Shiranami’ AGM

Another beautiful little Japanese woodlander with apple green, semi deciduous fleshy foliage that produces short spikes of pure white flowers in profusion in late summer/autumn. Hardy. Prefers fertile, moist but well drained soil in dappled shade. HGT 30cm




Scopolia carniolicaScopolia carniolica var. brevifolia

Endangered in the wild, this rare and unusual rhizomatous perennial has fresh green foliage emerging from deep purple buds & produces soft yellow ‘bells’ in late Spring. Prefers fertile, damp soil in dappled shade. Deciduous and fully hardy. HGT 60cm CAUTION: All parts are poisonous



Synthyris missurica subsp. Stellata

A lovely little evergreen, woodland perennial with kidney shaped, dark green foliage that, in spring, produces spikes of bell-shaped, violet-blue flowers. Fully hardy. Prefers fertile, moist but well drained soils in full or part shade. HGT 30cm




Tanacetum vulgare ‘Golden Feathers’

A really striking perennial with bright, acid-yellow, ferny foliage in spring and producing yellow ‘daisy’ flowers in summer. Deciduous & fully hardy, prefers well drained soil in part shade. HGT 75cm




Thalictrum ‘Black Stockings’ AGM

A very pretty, clump-forming, perennial with grey-green, ferny foliage that produces tall, near black stems topped with panicles of ‘fluffy’ purple flowers in mid to late summer. Prefers moist but well drained, fertile soil in full sun/part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 2m



Thalictrum kiusianumThalictrum kuisianum

Originating from Japan, this exceptionally pretty little perennial forms clumps of delicate, dark green, lacy foliage that provides the perfect backdrop for the clusters of fluffy lilac flowers produced from mid-summer. Prefers moist but well drained, fertile soil in full or part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 15cm



Tricyrtis 'Hototogisu'Tricyrtis latifolia ‘Hototogisu’

A beautiful form of ‘Toad Lily’ having mid-green, deciduous foliage and producing numerous, star-shaped, cream & purple-blue flowers with some spots in late summer. Fully hardy. Prefers moist but not water-logged soil in full/part shade. HGT: 60cm