Perennials P-T

Paradisea lusitanica

A rarely offered form of this early summer flowering perennial that produces tall spikes of trumpet shaped snow white flowers above mid-green, sword -like foliage. Prefers moist but not wet soil in full sun. Hardy & deciduous.HGT: 90cm




Physostegia virginiana ‘Rose Bouquet’

The ‘Obedient Plant’ is a lovely perennial with deciduous, narrow, green foliage that produces spikes of rose-pink flowers on tall stems that move with the sun. Flowers from early summer. A must for the cottage border! Prefers fertile, moist but well-drained soil in full sun or part shade. HGT 80cm



Pimpinella major Rosea

A beautiful form of pink ‘cow parsley’ producing flat heads of tiny pink flowers over ferny foliage from late spring to early summer. Butterflies love this plant. Prefers a damp soil in full sun. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 1.2m




Polemonium caeruleum 'Brise D'Anjou'Polemonium caeruleum ‘Brise D’Anjou’

Discovered by chance in a nursery in France, this lovely perennial produces masses of pale blue, bell like flowers in early summer above light green/cream foliage that can be pink flushed when new. Fully hardy and deciduous. Prefers fertile soil in full sun or part shade. HGT 40cm



Polemonium yezoense ‘Bressingham Purple’

A beautiful & striking perennial from Bressingham Gardens. It produces tall stems topped with bright lavender-blue flowers in early summer that contrast well with the deep purple, ferny foliage. Fully hardy and deciduous. Prefers fertile soil in full sun or part shade. HGT 70cm



Potentilla atrosanguinea ‘Scarlet Starlet’

A lovely, small, clump forming perennial with lobed, mid-green foliage that produces wiry stems of saucer shaped, rich scarlet flowers throughout summer. Prefers moist but well drained soil in full sun or part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 30cm




Salvia ‘Ember’s Wish’

A lovely new salvia first discovered growing in a garden in Australia, Ember’s Wish forms a rounded clump of deep green foliage and produces tall, reddish stems topped with bright coral pink flowers with a citrus scent from summer. Prefers humus rich well drained soil in full sun. Ideal for a container. HGT: 1m



Salvia hians

A striking form of salvia with aromatic, deep green, toothed foliage that produces tall spires of purple & white flowers on tall stems in summer. Happy in well drained soil & full sun. Fully hardy & deciduous. HGT 90cm




Salvia involucrata 'Bethellii'Salvia involucrata Bethellii

A lovely, clump forming perennial with aromatic, mid-green foliage that produces large, vivid cerise-red, flowers on contrasting purple stems throughout summer. Happy in well drained soil in full sun. Hardy to -5 in a sheltered spot. Deciduous. HGT 1.5m



Salvia microphylla ‘Wild Watermelon’

A lovely, evergreen, woody perennial with aromatic, slightly hairy, mid-green foliage that produces tall spires of magenta pink, ‘hooded’ flowers from May to November. Happy in well drained soil in full sun. Hardy in most winters with good drainage. HGT 75cm



Salvia 'Carradona'Salvia nemerosa ‘Caradonna’

A lovely, compact, clump forming perennial with aromatic, deep green, toothed foliage that produces tall spires of darkest purple flowers on dark stems in summer. Happy in well drained soil in full sun. Fully hardy. HGT 75cm




Salvia nutans

Otherwise known as ‘Nodding sage’, this lovely perennial, native to Russia and Siberia, forms a clump of grey-green foliage producing tall, thin stems topped with bright blue, nodding flowers from early summer. Prefers moist but well drained soil in full sun/part shade. Hardy. HGT: 1m



Salvia x jamensis ‘Hot Lips’

A lovely, evergreen, woody perennial with aromatic, glossy, mid-green foliage that produces masses of bi-colour, bright red & white, ‘hooded’ flowers throughout summer. Fully hardy in full sun and well drained soil Still the one everybody wants! HGT 1m




Salvia x jamensis ‘Nachtvlinder’ AGM

A lovely, evergreen, woody perennial with aromatic, slightly hairy, mid-green foliage that produces tall spires of dark maroon-purple, ‘hooded’ flowers throughout summer. Happy in well drained soil in full sun.
HGT 75cm



Sanguisorba ‘Little Angel’

A lovely form of Sanguisorba producing short spikes of deep red flowers held on wiry stems above divided, blue-green & silver, variegated foliage throughout summer. Happy in well drained soil in full sun/part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 30cm




Sanguisorba menziesii

More commonly known as ‘Japanese Burnett’, this lovely perennial produces densely packed, crimson flowers held on wiry stems above divided, dark green foliage throughout summer. Happy in well drained soil in full sun/part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 1.5m



Sanguisorba 'Pink Tanna'Sanguisorba officinalis ‘Pink Tanna’

A lovely form of Sanguisorba producing short spikes of deep pink flowers held on wiry stems above divided, blue-green foliage throughout summer. Happy in well drained soil in full sun/part shade. Deciduous & fully hardy. HGT 50cm




Scilla peruvianaScilla peruviana

Named for the ship it arrived on rather than the country, this beautiful semi-evergreen bulb has lance shaped, glossy dark green leaves and produces huge heads of steely blue flowers in early summer. Hardy to -10, scilla prefer a fertile, well drained soil in full sun/part shade. HGT 30cm



Scilla peruviana 'White Moon'Scilla peruviana ‘White Moon’

A rarely offered & desirable form of scilla, this beautiful semi-evergreen bulb has lance shaped, glossy dark green leaves and produces huge heads of white. starry flowers in early summer. Hardy to -10, scilla prefer a fertile, well drained soil in full sun/part shade. HGT 30cm



Sidalcea ‘Rose Queen’

A cottage garden favourite with mid-green, deciduous foliage and producing spires of rose pink, cup shaped flowers throughout summer making it look like a miniature hollyhock. Prefers moderately fertile soils in full sun. Fully hardy. HGT 1.2m




Sidalcea ‘Wine Red’

A cottage garden favourite with mid-green, deciduous foliage and producing spires of rich, red-pink cup shaped flowers throughout summer making it look like a miniature hollyhock. Prefers moderately fertile soils in full sun. Fully hardy. HGT 80cm




Silene ‘Rolley’s Favourite’

A lovely new form of campion that forms a bushy clump and produces masses of vibrant pink flowers throughout spring. Very attractive to insects! Prefers a moist but well drained soil in full sun. Fully hardy. HGT 40cm




Trollius x cultorum ‘Orange Crest’

A striking, cottage-garden favourite with glossy, mid-green, lobed foliage that produces numerous, cup-shaped, orange gold flowers with a darker centre in early summer. Deciduous & fully hardy. Prefers moist but not water-logged soil in full sun/part shade. HGT: 45cm